Treatments and Makeup


Tighten and lift the muscles in your face, under your eyes, neck, brows. The Four-In-One treatment is the newest, exciting way to deliver your active serums and creams into the deepest layers in the skin so they reach the cells directly. Like opening the door to your cells, the Four-In-One treatment allows them to be properly nourished bring about better and faster results. While other approaches attempt to deliver molecules into the skin that are too big to be delivered, the Four-In-One treatment delivers the highest benefits of the skin products being used where they are needed the most.  READ MORE


–    What’s included
Microchanneling is a treatment that employs hundreds of thousands of micro-permeates (instead of putting needles into your face) to deliver special skin repair products directly into the skin


  –    What’s used
Products used by Lori during microchanneling include a custom combination of stem cells stimulators, collagen, hyaluronic acid and collagens among other products.


 –    Benefits
Improvement in texture, increased hydration, increased firmness, builds collage, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces age spots, hyper pigmentation and inflammation.  Also reduces pore size and blemishes.


Radio Frequency (RF) Face Lift
Radio Frequency Face Lift is one of the Newest Exciting proven effective non-surgical treatment for wrinkles and fine lines, and tightening the skin. Rejuvenate your face without surgery, lasers, or downtime! Wrinkles and loose skin can take its toll on your appearance. Even healthy and active people eventually show signs of aging on their faces…


Radio Frequency (RF) Body Treatments
Radiofrequency (RF) treatments are procedures involving the use of a radiofrequency (RF) energy device to heat up and tighten tissue to boost blood flow and break down cellulite and fat. The radiofrequency energy heats the skin without damaging it, in order to break down fatty cells and stimulate collagen production, which improves skin tone and…


MicroCurrent Therapy
A microcurrent treatment that mirrors and stimulates the body’s own natural electrical impulses, resulting in firmer and smoother skin. Benefits from a series of treatments include: · Diminished appearance of fine lines and wrinkles · Smoother, firmer skin · Improved circulation · Hydrated and revitalized skin · Improved elasticity   The treatments are completely safe…


Purigenex Sessions
Unique anti-aging treatment using cutting edge collagen to help prevent and repair aging, sun damage, discolorations, and acne scarring. Supports and builds connective tissue integrity and elasticity. Your skin will appear smoother, plumper, more supple, and more youthful. A series of treatments are required.…


LHE MicroPhotorejuvenation
LHE MicroPhotorejuvenation leaves skin feeling and looking younger; softening fine lines, homogenizing tone, decreasing pore size and improving overall skin texture. LHE MicroPhotorejuvenation is a non-abrasive technology approved by the FDA. It is safer and quicker than the older laser technology and has no harmful side effects. Lori uses Radiancy’s advanced anti-aging Facial Skin Care […]Read more …


Ultrasonic Microdermabrasion
An exciting, non-invasive process for peeling, hydrating, cleaning and circulation of the skin. Research has shown that electrical stimulation can increase DNA and collagen production. Electrical stimulation also plays a large role in the transport of cellular nutrition and cellular communication, promoting hydration into the deepest layers of the skin. Benefits include: Smoothes and retexturizes…


Diamond Microdermabrasion
Diamond Microdermabrasion is a gentle exfoliation treatment that is performed with a diamond-encrusted applicator tip. The tip passes over the skins surface, and creates a gentle vacuum. The diamond tip gently exfoliates and resurfaces the outermost layer of the skin. There are no harmful ingredients with this method, compared to traditional methods of microdermabrasion where they…


Mineral Makeup Make Over
Lori uses her artistic talent as a portrait artist to personally custom blend foundations, eye shadows, blushes, lipsticks and lip glosses for your own personal style in either powder, liquid, cream forms..Her philosophy is quite simply–less is more. She teaches clients how to duplicate the look on their own in a fast and easy way.


Remote Makeup Consultation
Not able to visit Lori onsite? Not in the Los Angeles Area? No worries…Lori offers her exclusive Remote Makeup Consultation via her website. Simply upload a digital photograph of yourself which Lori will use as the basis for your personally tailored mineral makeup makeover program. Lori will follow up with you either by phone, email…


High Definition Airbrush Makeup Session
The exploding popularity of high-definition photography and video, which is rapidly becoming the industry standard, a wrinkle can look like the Grand Canyon if a makeup artist is not properly trained for HDTV make up applications. Lori’s artistic talent and extensive training will ensure you look your best under the HD camera. Lori uses the Dinair…


Scalar Wave Laser
The Scalar Wave Laser is a cold laser (also known as a soft laser, low level laser or healing laser) that has been designed to gently rejuvenate cells. Cold lasers rejuvenate the cells by gently donating energy in the form of photons, which then increases the energy molecule of the cell, called ATP, which in turn stimulates the cell…


MRS2000+ designo
The MRS2000+ designo uses electromagnetic energy. It grounds you to the earth’s magnetic field. Electromagnetic energy is the elemental energy upon which all life and organisms depend. With the help of a regulated, pulsating energy field, the body’s own energy fields are amplified, cell metabolism is accelerated and the cell energy is being increased. Some […]
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E-Power Session
Rejuvenate your skin with an E-Power session. It’s a great way to minimize pore, tighten and rejuvenate your skin! The E-Power Machine treatments provide Negative Potential Energy (Energy for Rest) with High Frequency Energy (More ATP). Using your body as a capacitor, E-Power generates 70KHz of high frequency electrical waves, creating an internal energy that…


Trinfinity8 Session
Relax as you experience your multi sensory session as you lay comfortably holding crystal transmitter rods that channel information similar to DNA sequencing into the body, while watching fractal images on a screen and listening to music that produces a meditative brain wave state. Designed to increase awareness, Trinfinity8™ can assist the individual in attaining…


Various suction cups are applied to the skin in a massage-like manner, working from deep down in the tissue toward the skin’s surface. Applying the vacuum will increase the blood flow at different levels of the skin while simultaneously stretching the connective tissue to allow room for more circulation. Stretching the connective tissue will loosen…


Pressotherapy™ is a compression technique designed to help improve overall circulation and tone up the circulatory system for faster detoxification and elimination. Pressotherapy (also known as alternate compression therapy or pneumatic compression therapy) is a mechanized lymphatic drainage technique that fights water retention by applying intermittent compression on one or more parts of the body…